unbefristete Beschäftigung
Shanghai, Shanghai Shi

Define and guide the country brand strategy consistent with the international brand positioning and the country’s 
priorities to contribute to continued growth of the brand and the consumer relationship. 
- Define the strategic directions and the 3-year marketing plan, guide portfolio priorities (new launches, pillar products’ renewal 
and animation of core catalogue) 
- Steer the collection and analysis of consumer and market insights, share findings with the zone to ensure the consistency of 
new product development with the country’s needs 
- Take ownership of international launches and create the right angle of attack locally to build integrated, engaging consumer 
brand experiences locally. Supervise the entire development process and the respect of deadlines 
- Manage the budget (sales forecast; price strategy, profitability of the brand, P&L, etc.) 
- Lead the marketing mix strategies (IMC/360/Digital/Retail) and the adaptation of communication (imagery, digital, point of 
- Mobilize other departments (sales, logistic, education, etc. ) and partner agencies to develop a broader business strategy 
- Define clear messages to present to top management and accompany the teams in the preparation of meetings 
- Build, develop and manage your team, train them and develop their marketing expertise and know-how

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