Shanghai, Shanghai Shi
Finanzen & Controlling

Ensure the management of the Business (an entity that manages a sales revenue and operating result, e.g. OAP,  Maybelline, Lancôme, Vichy, LP, etc.) in the context of the objectives defined by the Senior Management of the Division and the BU (Business Unit). 

• Manage the processes associated with the Plan, Budget and Trends in his/her area of activity: assess the major objectives, analyze and arbitrate with members of the management committee, and report to Senior Management. 

• Implement processes, Group systems and procedures to guarantee the coherence, relevance, and reliability of management information flows and financial flows in line with the Group's Standards. 

• Ensure that the procedures and good practices pertaining to Internal Control are applied and respected. 

• Draw attention to his/her BU's risks and opportunities and optimize solutions to his/her Management Committee. 

• Supervise the drafting of monthly reports. 

• Participate in developing his/her teams

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